oyster shell collection

I hope my paintings of these oysters and shells will be reminders of God's strength and beauty to those who receive them. My prayer is that He turns all of the grit and irritations in their lives into beautiful masterpieces!
So far I have given away nearly 50 shell paintings. I set a goal for myself - to give away 103 paintings. I was inspired to do this after my dad shared a story with me about a very special individual, Johnny Stackhouse. His birthday was Christmas day and he died in 2019 at the young age of 103 years old.
He is one of the most generous individuals I know and his generosity flows straight from God. He has given away so much. He is the founder of the North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
The generosity he shared with me and with others inspires me to be more generous in my own life. He is an example to me of how God is able to use us and our gifts for His glory.
"You cannot outgive God."
- Mr. Stackhouse